My Mission to Help

For you all to know me,

I am a man on a mission of healthy self-talk and loving expression. Over the years, I have been influenced by an array of amazing teachers, friends, books, and timeless moments of epiphany that have brought about a broader scope of awareness into my life. And what is consciousness, but the ability to see what it is truly real, genuine, authentic? Not what I want… but what is really happening in this ever-changing present moment of Now? It is in this relentless pursuit of knowledge that I find a fire in my heart and mind.

To wake up every day with an eager hunger to help one person at a time, attain their own flame of excitement. To live a life truly worth breathing alive for. 

In my perspective, I have been witnessing a number of my friends, colleagues, and acquaintances starting to unravel more of the mysteries of life and thread them with real, tangible qualities throughout their daily lives. People are beginning to wake up and realize that we are who we are from everything that we've done and experienced up until this point. I know it sounds ridiculously simple. Deep down, everyone knows this. And yet very few people actually make all the small changes necessary to affect more significant changes down the road. How we relate internally and externally, eat, and sleep all add up to who we have presently become. So I ask you two essential questions: Who would you like to become? What are you willing to do to get there?

I have a vision that I hold in my meditation at least twice a day. It is based on a foundation of peace, equanimity, focused passion for the people, places, and things I cultivate in my life. This inner vision is the womb of my external creation. In this sacred space, I honour who I've been, who I am, and the man I am to become. We all have a garden in our consciousness (for the analytically inclined I'm drawing on metaphor here). Maybe yours is more of a tool shed workspace or an artist's studio with a blank canvass... The great mystery where everything is possible! Please join me in creating a life on purpose. Let's seed our gardens of consciousness together and gain more tools and skills to navigate this complex world. Let's create an experience of unravelling mystery and intrigue. A life to jump out of bed for in the morning and declare: I am loving awareness. Everything is available to me.

I am not perfect, and yet I progress with an ever open heart, one step, one emotion, and one breath at a time. 

Teresa Byer