What I Offer

First and foremost, I must acknowledge that every single one of us is a unique and special blend of experiences, patterns, tendencies, stories, and behaviors. Whether you know it or not, you currently abide in a place of your very own creating.

Yes, things outside of you are out of your control. And yet, how you respond to them is entirely within your control. There are stories in us all that must be expressed so we may create new, healthier, vibrant, exceptional stories. Through guided breathwork, yoga, exercise, you will gain a more precise sense of what you need to add as well as subtract from our daily life. Whether you know it or not, you have a routine that has become habits. Some of these habits used to serve you.

Now some of them don't. Together we can get down to discovering what it is you would like to create in your life and then set up a healthy routine that gets you excited. No, you don't need to give up coffee or cookies. Yes, you do need to be completely honest with yourself. Things will never change if you never make the necessary changes. We will read books you are excited to learn from and philosophize what they mean to you. We will eat foods that amaze your senses. You will sleep as you've always wanted to sleep. We will create an exciting life of balance where daily healing occurs in body, mind, spirit. For what is a spirit but a consciousness raised through a plethora of experience?

I am here as your coach, guide, accountability buddy. Let's have lots of fun and transmute this waking life of yours into reality. I hope you're as excited as I am! 

Teresa Byer