Fire of Conscious Creation

I am absolutely fascinated with how to become the best version of myself. I am continually nerding out on how to train the mind/body, feel my feelings, eat the perfect amount of cookies, become the epitome of loving-kindness, meditate passed my perceptions, contemplate The Life State. There are so many ways to explore the sacredness of Life. There are a wide array of experiences to adore in this smorgasbord of living.

Which one is true for you at this moment? What drink is your medicine? What music calls you to movement or stillness? Where do you need to flow in the river of your inspiration?

My present example: Coconut coffee/coconut water. Run/Swim. Guitar/sing. Dinner with a fantastic friend. Cold shower. Pranayama. Gratitude. Journal. Sleep. 

We are all gifted with electromagnetic biochemical meat-suits with souls. This electricity coursing through us can be interpreted as our fire as read of in scripture (super sweet literature from ancient & current timelines about how to rise out of suffering into pure joy).

I am so curious about how to keep this flame of loving awareness stoked. It can be a challenge to focus this radical resonance into the sweet spot of homeostasis. In the past, I've been a yo-yo back & forth between my fire being a flickering candle and a raging inferno. Being the candle - I can hardly see. The inferno - is one that burns. In some of my contemplative meditations, I see a campfire in the middle of my being. The winds of Life roil through, & the flame is the right size not to go out or be dangerous to all those around (including me). Have you ever sat around the perfectly sized campfire? It keeps you warm & safe. Life breathes into it, as it dances to the heartbeat of our inspiration. There is a knowing flowing of contented comfort that permeates every illusion, fear. It is here alongside the campfire of creation we can be our best selves. When we are warm, safe, and inspired, we can weather every storm that the elements of this grand universe throw at us.

I invite you to join me in the forest of forgiveness and gather wood. I want to build a fire of intention with You. Let us breathe consciousness upon it and make it good.

Teresa Byer