Beyond the Senses

Have you ever had the feeling or the 'sense' that there was something more to this life?

Maybe you got the flu or had an incredibly lucid dream where reality shifted into something very different from this one? Through the process of pranayama, you will begin to culture this dormant sense of intuitive instinct and access previously dormant superpowers locked away in your subconsciousness and everyday routine.

Through this robust process of pranayama, we delve into hidden corners of the psyche and unleash a new You, with more awareness of the exciting changes we all need to make to come closer to a more realized, pure potential of superhuman body/mind/emotional/spiritual strength and quality.

In the breathwork portion of pranayama, our main aim is to generate proper restraint of the breath so that our biological functionality can operate with greater integrity and so that our mental activity can become more stable and appropriately focused.  We cultivate a bubble of space and time where we go beyond the senses.

We breathe our consciousness passed the mind, body, identification, image, reputation, into a place beyond the senses. Something indescribable happens here. Some people call it a reset. Others are speechless, finally coming to a place where the monkey of the mind is allowed to rest for a short time. To finally relax into the essence of who we always knew we could be, our purest potential. Before we reach this place of being, however, we must first bring a subject of knowledge into this sacred space of where consciousness meets subconsciousness. This is why every workshop and class is started and finished with an in-depth conversation about the human condition to suffer, and the various actions and inaction we can perform to rise out of it. 

To explore the breath with me as your humble guide, hit the button below.

Teresa Byer