Oh to be Brave

Oh, to be brave!

To walk the edge of a 100-foot cliff of uncomfortable confusion and dive off and into the uncharted territories of investigating the darkened underwater caverns of our subconsciousness. In these drops down to the grand mystery we call Life, there is an opportunity to evolve. Yes, it is scary. Yes, it is unknown. The abyss is both real and unreal. To breathe conscious, loving awareness into the depths of our fearful, avoidant ignorance is not for the faint of heart. 

Trevor Hall sings to these places of an unknown as the fruitful darkness. Wow, do his lyrics and melodies help me rise up and into my best self where everything is possible. Music has been a massive part of my rise out of suffering. The angry and sad songs of injustice or heartbreak have helped me to feel my feelings. The joyful love songs have flown me into an ecstatic revolution. But they affect me more at a subconscious level. I seem to coalesce into the grand symphony of surrender when an inspiring song comes on. And yet, I don't want to have to put a song on every time I need to be brave. I want to become The Song. The synthesis of words and melodies is but the soundtrack to my awareness dancing up on a stage of open-hearted abandonment. I do not need to be seen. Instead, I am welcoming all who are brave enough to join in the celebration of open-hearted rapture on the grand stage of Life fully living Life. 

This dive of bravery. It is consciousness, awakening. The peace I seek is in the depths of my darkness. My ignorance shouts in my ear as I climb this cliff of fear. An overhang emerges, and I climb onto the ledge to rest. The rock goes back for about ten feet, and where the ground meets the wall, there is an altar with an offering. Upon this shrine is a bowl of every element in our known universe.

In the middle of this cacophony is the epitome of life. It is a seed. Of Life. Just as You are. This seed is beaming with the brightest potential. I reach for it but then pause. I remember that this seed that I want to harvest is really just inside of me. And it's up to me to create that from within, not from another. I keep reaching for the tiny plant and bop it on the head, saying, "thank you, my teacher, for exemplifying what it is I need to do. With the sword of action and the pen of knowledge, I will study myself to create my best environment and rise into my pure potential." I run in full sprint out of the cliffside cave and swan dive forward and downwards into the depths of my own becoming. The ocean. I am becoming an ocean of awareness.

Diving deeper in love with the mystery of not knowing. Only feeling, being and doing love. Only love. 

Teresa Byer